Pranayama has two purposes - one is to control the speed of breathing and the other is to attract the life consciousness present in the entire universe and imbue the gross, subtle and causal bodies with that amazing power. Pranayama also provides promising help in mental control. The fickle and unruly mind appears to be stable at a designated centre. Not only this, the path to cure mental disorders is also paved. The importance of Pranayama has been unanimously accepted in the world of spiritual practice. It has been said to be very useful from the point of view of physical and mental health.

Due to intensity of breathing, the energy reserves of life get exhausted quickly and long life is not possible. The slower the rate of breathing, the longer the body will be able to survive. The fact becomes very clear by making a comparative study of the breathing of many animals.

The account of physical breathing movements and life span is as follows - Rabbit breathing 38, age 8 years. Pigeon Breath 37, aged 8 years. Dog-breath 28, aged 13 years. Goat-breather 24, aged 14 years. Horse-breather 18, age 50 years. Man-breath 12, age 100 years. Elephant-breath 11, aged 100 years. Serpent-breather 7, aged 120 years. Turtle Breath 4, age 150 years. In the past, human breathing used to occur at the rate of 11-12 times per minute, now it has increased to 15-16. His age has also decreased by the same proportion.

The temperature increases as the rate of breathing increases. Increased temperature causes aging. Animals that pant like dogs, the faster their panting speed, the sooner they die. Remember that panting and increases in temperature are related to each other. When a person has a fever, he also starts panting. The same thing can also be said that the person whose breathing becomes faster, his body heat will increase. This increase in heat and intensity of breathing both lead to the early end of life.

Explaining the secret of longevity, scientist Jektluwe has said that these days the body temperature of humans remains 68.6. If it can be reduced to half i.e. made 46, then a person can live happily for 1000 years.

Deep breathing is practiced in Pranayama. At the time of Sadhana, special efforts are made for it and it is kept in mind that even during normal times, the habit of shallow breathing should be changed and in its place the practice of deep breathing should be put in place forever. This increases the chances of health promotion and longevity.

Normally our lungs expand and contract 18 times every minute. A process is repeated 25620 times in 24 hours. Usually 500 cc of air is used per breath because people breathe shallowly. Normally, to meet the needs of a healthy body, every breath requires 1200 cc of air.

Should be used. People get less than half the air they require. Just like having food on half stomach or water on half thirst will keep the body weak, healthy breathers have always been talking about the need for deep breathing and saying that laxity in shallow breathing will weaken the lungs and lead to tuberculosis, asthma, There will be a risk of many diseases like cough, chest pain etc.


The benefit of deep breathing is that the lungs get a short respite from the rush of haste and can use that respite to further purify the blood. This will put fewer burdens on the heart and it will remain healthier. England. Famous football player Bhidlothian attributes his proud mind and agility to the practice of deep breathing. He usually took 2000 cc of air in every breath, whereas an average person gets relief with only 500 cc. It is a cheap but effective recipe for health preservation and long life.

Dr. McDonnell says - Taking deep breaths means strengthening not only the lungs but also the digestive system of the stomach. From the point of view of blood purification, deep breathing is more beneficial than taking expensive medicines. Dr. Knowles has written - The habit of deep breathing gives a person the ability and energy to do more work. Laborers generally spend a lot of energy, which should make them tired quickly, but the opposite is true. They remain relatively stronger, the main reason for this is that along with hard labour, there is more work for the lungs and on that basis, they get more opportunities for blood purification. Dr. Metno goes even further and accepts that deep breathing has an impact on the brain.

He has included in its range of benefits everything from increasing memory power to remaining full of joy. Lungs work mainly for air circulation in the physical body. In the subtle body this work also has to be done by the navel centre. The visible body draws and releases air through the nostrils, the subtle body has to circulate vital air. Prana is actually an electrical force which remains dissolved in air like oxygen. Along with respiration, its movement also occurs. By the way, its power is completely different from that of air. It is okay that salt remains dissolved in sea water. In fact, both of them are at different levels from each other.

The flow of energy flowing in the nerves of the subtle body can be called Prana. Just as blood and blood vessels and veins have a close relationship with each other, their existence is completely independent. Similarly, the nadis of the subtle body and the prana flowing in them, despite being connected to each other, can also be considered separate from the point of view of power.

In the beginning it can be said that by controlling the vital power, such achievements can be achieved, which may take many centuries for physical science to reach. Pranayama, its control of prana and its use of controlled prana is pure physical science. This should neither be considered a blessing from any divine power nor the grace of God. This is purely just using your body like a factory machine. Such pranayams are very popular in Hatha Yoga and such miracles are seen every day. A few days ago, Mount Hillary completed the “Sea to Sky” campaign. In the middle of that journey, by tying a silk thread in Allahabad, a stubborn old seeker did not allow his 60 horse power jet engine to move even an inch.

There was power in Vishuddha Pranayam, but as much as that kind of Pranayam is power enhancer, it can also be a negative factor if done by mistake. Misuse of nuclear power is as fatal for oneself as it is for the enemy. Keeping this situation in mind, Indian yoga philosophers discovered some pranayam which anyone, with any physical or mental condition, can do at any time. Three such pranayams are being given here. One pranayam should be practiced every year. If time permits, these exercises can be increased and completed in 6 months also. In the fourth year, combined practice of all three pranayams should be done. After this, further Pranayama sequence should be started for the interested persons by writing a letter or after meeting and consultation.

Basic Hatha Yoga 

Nadi Sudhi Parnayama 



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