Eyes weakness which yoga & pranayama posture is best. article !!


Eyes are one of the most important organs of the human body. Eyes weakness is a common problem that can occur due to various factors such as prolonged exposure to digital screens, lack of sleep, genetic factors, or unhealthy lifestyle habits. Yoga and pranayama are traditional forms of exercise that have been used to help relieve eye weakness and improve overall eye health. In this article, we will discuss some of the best yoga and pranayama postures to improve eye health.

Weakness in the eyes can be caused by a number of factors such as excessive screen time, reading in dim light, lack of sleep, nutritional deficiencies, and certain medical conditions. Practicing yoga and pranayama can help improve the strength and flexibility of the eyes and also help reduce eye strain and fatigue. Here are some yoga and pranayama postures that can help improve eye health.

Before we delve into the poses, it is important to understand that eye exercises alone cannot cure eye problems that may require medical intervention. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor before beginning any new exercise regimen.


Palming is one of the most effective eye exercises that can be done to relieve eye strain and eye weakness. It is a simple technique that involves rubbing the palms of the hands together and placing them over the eyes, while keeping the eyes closed. This exercise helps to relax the eyes and reduce eye strain, thus improving eye health.

Here's how to do it:

- Sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor.
- Rub your palms together vigorously until they feel warm.
- Close your eyes and place your palms over them, with your fingers overlapping at the center of your forehead.
- Relax your shoulders and take a few deep breaths.
- Stay in this position for a few minutes, allowing your eyes to rest in the darkness.

 Eye rotations:
Eye rotations are a simple yoga exercise that can help improve eye flexibility and reduce eye strain. Here's how to do it:

- Sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor.
- Look straight ahead and then slowly rotate your eyes clockwise in a full circle.
- Repeat the movement in a counterclockwise direction.
- Do this 5-10 times in each direction.


The Trikonasana or triangle pose is another great yoga posture that helps to improve eye health. This posture is known to improve blood circulation and oxygen supply in the body, which can help improve eye health. This pose also helps to reduce stress and anxiety, which can be beneficial for those suffering from eye issues.

Bhastrika Pranayama

Bhastrika Pranayama is a powerful breathing exercise that can help to improve eye health. This pranayama involves deep breathing in and out through the nose. This exercise is known to improve lung capacity, increase oxygen supply to the body, and improve blood circulation, which can be beneficial for improving eye health.

Here's how to do it:

- Sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor.
- Take a deep breath in through your nose, filling your lungs completely.
- Exhale forcefully through your nose, pushing all the air out.
- Repeat for 10-20 breaths.

Kapalbhati pranayama:
Kapalbhati pranayama is a breathing technique that can help increase blood flow to the eyes and reduce eye strain. Here's how to do it:

- Sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor.
- Take a deep breath in through your nose.
- Exhale forcefully through your nose, pulling your navel in toward your spine.
- Repeat for 10-20 breaths.

Anulom Vilom pranayama:
Anulom Vilom pranayama is a breathing technique that can help improve the flow of oxygen to the eyes and reduce eye strain. Here's how to do it:

- Sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor.
- Close your right nostril with your thumb and inhale deeply through your left nostril.
- Close your left nostril with your ring finger and exhale through your right nostril.
- Inhale through your right nostril and then close it with your thumb.
- Exhale through your left nostril.
- Repeat for


The Shavasana or corpse pose is a restorative yoga posture that helps to reduce stress and anxiety. This pose involves lying down flat on the back with the arms and legs spread out. Practicing this pose regularly can help to calm the mind and body, which can be beneficial for those suffering from eye strain and weakness.


Trataka is an ancient yogic practice that involves gazing at a fixed point or object. This practice is known to improve concentration and reduce stress, which can be beneficial for improving eye health. Trataka is an effective way to calm and relax the mind, which can help to reduce eye strain and improve eye health.

Here's how to do it:

- Sit comfortably in a chair or on the floor.
- Place a candle or other small object at eye level, about 2-3 feet away from you.
- Focus your gaze on the object without blinking for as long as you can.
- When your eyes begin to water or feel strained, close them and rest for a few seconds.
- Repeat the process for 5-10 minutes.


Eyes are an important part of our body and it is important to take care of them. Practicing yoga and pranayama can help to improve eye health and reduce eye strain and weakness. The poses and exercises mentioned above are some of the best yoga and pranayama postures that can be practiced to improve eye health. However, it is important to consult a doctor before beginning any new exercise regimen to ensure that it is safe to do so.


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