Environment for Meditation

Environment for Meditation Thoseofyouwhocanafforditwilldobettertohavearoomforthispracticealone.Donot sleep in that room, it mustbekeptholy.Youmustnotentertheroomuntilyouhavebathed, and are perfectly clean in body and mind. Place flowers in that room always; they are the best surroundings for a Yogi; also pictures that are pleasing. Burn incense morning and evening. Have noquarrelling, nor anger, nor unholy thought in that room. Only allow those persons to enter it who are of the same thought as you. Then gradually there will be an atmosphere of holiness in the room, so that when you are miserable, sorrowful, doubtful, or yourmindisdisturbed,theveryfactofenteringthatroomwillmakeyoucalm.Thiswasthe idea of the temple and the church, and in some temples and churches you will find it even now,butinthemajorityofthemtheveryideahasbeenlost.Theideaisthatbykeepingholy vibrations there the place becomes and remains illumined. Those whocannotaffordtohave aroomsetapartcanpractiseanywheretheylike.


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