The Lion Pose or Simhasana
🦁The Lion Pose or Simhasana is a well-known Hatha Yoga asana, its name derived from two Sanskrit words, ‘Simha’ and ‘Asana’, meaning lion and pose respectively. Simhasana is a strong seated asana which requires a strong breathing technique and energetic exhalation. This asana reduces stress and anger. True to its name, Simhasana comprises a lion-like posture and roaring sound from the mouth made while assuming this asana. It is also known as Simhagarjanasana. 👉Benefits for Simhasana (Lion Pose):- Simhasana is a simple asana but has numerous benefits for the body as well as the mind: Also termed as the destroyer of diseases, Simhasana controls stress and tension. Simhasana is useful for people with bad breath and for those who stutter. It energizes all the three ‘bandhas’ or locks (Moola, Jalandhara and Uddiyana) and also stimulates our ‘Manipura Chakra’, which is the centre of vitality. It is considered the best facial exercise as it lifts up your face, firms up the throat and i...