Pranayama for obesity.
Obesity is a serious condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a medical condition where an individual has excessive body fat that can cause other health problems. Obesity is linked to various medical conditions, including diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and many more. The primary cause of obesity is an unhealthy lifestyle, including poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Pranayama is a powerful yogic practice that can help with obesity. It is an ancient technique that involves the regulation of the breath to increase energy and promote physical and mental well-being. Pranayama can help in the management of obesity by increasing oxygen levels in the body, improving metabolism, and reducing stress levels. Here are some pranayama techniques that can be beneficial in managing obesity: Kapalbhati Pranayama Kapalbhati pranayama is an excellent technique that is one of the most effective pranayama exercises for managing obesity. It helps to clear th...